File List:
– 00 0291 038 2.pdf
– 00 0300 730 2.pdf
– 00 0302 662 2.pdf
– 00 0302 743 0.pdf
00 0291 038 2.pdf
Table of Content:
2 Table of contents
3 Explanation CCN
3.1 CCN (CLAAS Component Number)
4 CCN (CLAAS Component Number)
5 Introduction
5.1 Safety instructions
5.2 Scope of instruction
6 01 Engine
6.1 0125 Injection system / fuel system
6.2 0155 Engine regulation
6.3 0165 Secondary exhaust gas circuit
7 10 Electrics / Electronics
7.1 1012 Sensors / modules
7.2 1085 Networks
8 92 Diagnosis
8.1 Diagnosis by error codes
8.2 9220 Diesel Engine Fault Codes (J1939)
00 0300 730 2.pdf
Table of Content:
2 Table of contents
3 Introduction
3.1 Scope of instruction
3.2 Safety and warning instructions
3.3 List of abbreviations
4 Explanation CCN
4.1 CCN (CLAAS Component Number)
5 CCN (CLAAS Component Number)
6 Security
6.1 General instructions
7 01 Engine
7.1 0102 Complete components
7.2 0110 Motor housing
7.3 0120 Cylinder head Valves Timing
7.4 0125 Injection system / fuel system
7.5 0130 Lubrication system
7.6 0135 Cooling system
7.7 0140 Exhaust system
7.8 0155 Engine regulation
7.9 0165 Secondary exhaust gas circuit
7.10 0197 Check / Measurement / Setting
7.11 0198 Fault / Remedy
8 10 Electrics / Electronics
8.1 1012 Sensors / modules
8.2 1085 Networks
9 92 Diagnosis
00 0302 662 2.pdf
Table of Content:
1 System Technology
2 Table of contents
3 Introduction
3.1 Instruction notes
4 Security
4.1 Recognizing warning signs
4.2 Safety instructions
5 Explanation CCN
5.1 CCN (CLAAS Component Number)
6 CCN (CLAAS Component Number)
7 01 Engine
7.1 0150 Engine Mounted Parts
7.2 0155 Engine regulation
8 03 Chassis
8.1 0315 Driven axle
8.2 0330 Driven rear steering axle
8.3 0335 Travel drive
Service brake
10 05 Steering
10.1 0505 Steering
10.2 0510 Automatic routing
11 09 Plumbing
11.1 0910 Pumps
11.2 0920 Valves
11.3 0925 Hydraulic motors
11.4 0980 Hydraulic wiring diagrams
12 10 Electrics / electronics
12.1 1010 Electrical panel
12.2 1012 Sensors / modules
12.3 1015 Cable harnesses
12.4 1030 On-board computer / display devices
12.5 1035 Operation / Multifunctional handle
12.6 1040 Set size measurement
12.7 1041 Material flow control
12.8 1080 Electrical wiring diagrams
12.9 1081 List of plugins
12.10 1085 Networks
13 12 Cab/driver platform
13.1 1230 Armchair
13.2 1240 Air conditioning
14 20 Material download
14.1 2002 Attachment
14.2 2010 Cutterbar table
14.3 2015 Nagarniacz
15 26 Ground guidance
15.1 2605 AUTO CONTOUR
15.2 2697 Control / Measurements / Settings
16 41 Threshing
16.1 4100 Threshing
16.2 4120 Threshing drum
16.3 4125 Klepisko
17 42 Separation
17.1 4205 Rotor
18 43 Cleaning
18.1 4320 Sieves / sieve box
18.2 4325 Blower
19 60 Material placement / straw placement
19.1 6010 Straw chopper
20 61 Grain protection
20.1 6110 Grain tank
20.2 6120 Grain tank – emptying
21 75 Central lubrication
21.1 7515 Lubrication system / lines
22 92 Diagnoza
22.1 9210 Machine error codes
23 Part location
23.1 Hydraulics
23.2 Electric
00 0302 743 0.pdf
Table of Content:
1 MB OM936LA.E5EU Stage V
2 Table of contents
3 Introduction
3.1 Mercedes-Benz OM 936 LA.E5 diesel engine
3.2 Safety and warning instructions
3.3 List of abbreviations
4 Explanation CCN
4.1 CCN (CLAAS Component Number)
5 CCN (CLAAS Component Number)
6 Security
6.1 General instructions
7 01 Engine
7.1 0102 Complete components
7.2 0110 Motor housing
7.3 0120 Cylinder head Valves Timing
7.4 0125 Injection system / fuel system
7.5 0130 Lubrication system
7.6 0135 Cooling system
7.7 0140 Exhaust system
7.8 0155 Engine regulation
7.9 0165 Secondary exhaust gas circuit
7.10 0197 Check / Measurement / Setting
7.11 0198 Fault / Remedy
8 10 Electrics / Electronics
8.1 1012 Sensors / modules
8.2 1085 Networks
9 92 Diagnosis
9.1 Diagnosis by error codes
9.2 9220 Diesel Engine Fault Codes (J1939)
10. 10.20 W
Claas Technical System PDF
Claas Technical System PDF